We are still recycling the same themes, nursing fears at the expense of the vulnerable. I've always been afraid of christians having the power of state. As a christian, I know we are not always right , When we are convinced that we act in God's name, we can harm people with impunity.

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Yes, so well said. Both points. We do nurse our fears at the expense of the vulnerable. Can't help but think of gay people, immigrants, and almost any other minority. And yes, it's very dangerous when people believe they are acting in God's name. Thanks, Verbieann. :)

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Yikes! Puritans. Just think for a moment on what you wrote, Linda, on the type of men that existed then and the thoughts they had about women. Now move quickly to the present. If you believe in reincarnation - well I posit that the self same group of assholes are back and guess what they are looking to do?! Good article.

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Lmao, Joe. Yeah, that seems like about it, hey?

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

I don’t believe in evil so much as fear run amok into a post-human state. But whatever you call it, those who feared ‘witchy women’ had it. This is excruciating. The power of the mind to create ‘indisputable truth’ from fearful fantasy is staggering.

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Right? That's exactly what happened. One person says something scary like "she touched my cow and it died" and everyone loses their collective minds.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

Yes. That’s literal. They lose connection with their thinking, compassionate, discerning mind. There are many dark versions of ‘mind’ that fear can trigger and spread. Collective consciousness can be hard to challenge. It’s interesting to wonder who among them went along with it but knew it was wrong and stayed silent. How did they rationalize it?

Like some in politics today.

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Last sentence - nailed it. lol

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I wish I'd known this before reading The Handmaid's Tale. I'll surely read it again, and the sequel.

Thanks for revealing the bits of truth you've found, and Ms. Atwood's involvement and desire to write the book..


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deletedOct 26, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll
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Awesome to hear, Helene. Hope we both do well here! :)

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