I'm filled with anticipation for a new publication from you. How about "Stories Behind the Stories"? And yes, that could include nursery rhymes as well. Given that you have a "day job", I'm amazed at the level of productivity you have achieved here.

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"History of People?" Or "History of People You Never Heard Of Before"?

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That's great, Linda. Maybe something like "The Backstory" or "Backstory History."

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In order to study any demographic, one has to study the influences around them. I can’t teach Black or women’s history without also addressing white people and men, both the heroes and the villains. Black and women’s suffrage relied on outside allies. I have decided that their stories must be told on my timeline. A name change may not even be necessary. Just a thought.

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Maybe "Odd Little Histories." Since you lean towards telling odd little historical anecdotes rather than, say, analyses of why the Roman Empire fell.

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Evolving sounds wondrous to me, Linda. Every story you mentioned left me breathless with anticipation. Seriously - my heart rate elevated. And I haven't even had my morning caffeine yet!

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Yes, to all the stories you'd love to tell!

How about Women's and Other People's History?

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I'm going to move to Substack 100% and try to cross post to my own blog.

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I would love to hear more about the other characters in Alice in Wonderland.

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