The curse of having any medical abnormality at that time was being seen as a "freak". It wasn't until very recently that we came to understand how really wrong that was.

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I so agree, David. And I think there are still people who don't understand that. Lots of powerful men calling Greta Thunberg a "freak" because she's autistic.

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I so wish it were different now, but as a high school Special Education teacher I can confidently say the majority of people with disabilities are still treated like "freaks" and talked to like pets. It infuriates me daily.

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Ignorance is a malady we have a cure for as a species but refuse to take.

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As a student I will say— even when we’re not treated like freaks, we’re definitely pitied. Honestly. It’s worse

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I think what really shattered my heart is Antoinettes insistence on displaying a paper with her name and her parent's names. Her hands were so tiny, like those of my own daughter and there was such intelligence in her face. She wanted the world to know she was a person despite being treated like a curiosity. No child should live with such cruelty.

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Yes, the awareness makes it all the more tragic.

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What a sad story. Such cruelty.

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👓This piece is such a great read 🎉No joke!🎈This is wonderful! (ノ•ᴗ•)ノ❀ヾ(´°◡°`✿)

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Thanks, Jan, I'm glad you like it. Hope you're doing well :)

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This is exactly the kind of things I want to read on substack. Deep dives into very specific and niche topics. I feel so deeply for this family that was turned into entertainment years later but maybe and hopefully it was done to give them the happy ending they never got

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This is so sad. Those poor children. Their poor parents.

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Oh, this is so sad. Second sad story (Titanic one) I've read today. Real life sure ain't for sissies, to play with Bette Davis's famous quote on old age.

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Terrific piece!

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Thanks, Joan!

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Thank YOU for the great read! I have added your publication to my Recommendations on my “Shattered Lives” series.

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Thanks, Joan, that's really nice of you. :)

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This is sad, definitely awful that it ever happened, but the Disney movie was based on two different much older stories. One was French, and the other was the Brothers Grimm version i believe. Not saying that those stories didn't have their origins in this history, but the Disney movie wasn't orginal.

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They do not have their orgins in this story. The disney version is a highly traficked and changed version of the original story also.

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The Spanish Christians brought back Indians from the americas, as slaves and pets for royalty to display.

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I also hate the idea of the ugliest man with the most besutiful woman. I am sure the daughters of the couple werent married to the most handsome son of the servants

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Humans suck. I’m rooting for the next asteroid

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That is heart-breaking.

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Wauw! I didn't know anything about this at all, incredible.

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History is full of cruelty.

The Disnification of it is a disservice to each new generation. After a few generations of being fed its rhetorical pablum, look at the results! As long as ‘the bad stuff’ is going on ‘somewhere else’ and can’t touch them it’s not real and doesn’t matter. Or else it’s just considered entertaining 🍿 as long as it’s not affecting them.

Seems like we haven’t changed as much over time as we’d like to think we have. The Disney version is as toxic as the portraits themselves.

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The original fairytale was not based on the above story. The disney version is a sad corruption of the original story that was a lesson on virtue.

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I’d be curious to know what source you are drawing from because my suspicion is it could be a bit of both! True, the author lists no sources. So we will only know if we seek them ourselves. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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II've researched the author of the original french story. It was not based off of this other story whether it is true or not. The title of this article should have ended at 'The girl who married a monster'.

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Well I would love the link to your information too! It’s all very interesting… And easy enough to share sources. Thanks for the critical eye. It’s important we all contribute what little bits we know instead of taking things at sensational face value.

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Disney didn’t write the story. It’s in The Brothers Grimm book.

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Wait… was that real? If so, it’s horrible but very interesting and why are all women back then named Catherine? Did they not have other names? Lol

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