This is one of those persistently idiotic things about the world that should not continue to exist.

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LMAO. You are so right, David. Thank you!

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My single mother had a Master’s degree, but received no child support, so I was raised on food stamps and Medicaid. Fast forward to the pandemic and working mothers were the hardest hit, particularly single mothers and mothers of color. I am now on food stamps and Medicaid myself with a Master’s, having been unable to avoid repeating the same scenario over half a century later. “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” As the daughter of a murdered mother who raised me with no support from a man, the world can be an utterly cruel place for us. Keep writing about it. Your insights are profoundly appreciated.

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Well, f--k. What else can I say? Except for let's not give up despite the odds.

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Looking at the chart, it's telling that the widest disparity is in Financial Managers and Judges/Judicial Workers - the folks who control the money and make the rules. Here we are in the 21st century with a long list of absurdities, including:

- Numerous inequalities between men and women without any justification

- Adjusting clocks twice a year to create more daylight for harvesting crops

- Allowing a fully developed male to dominate women's sports simply by declaring he is a woman

There are myriad other examples, as all women know. It's just wrong.

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I noticed Teaching Assistants was on the list, but not Teachers. In Texas, pay is determined by the number of years taught. Otherwise, the story would be the same.

However, teacher pay in Texas is much lower than some other states. Why? Because teachers don't have to teach two months of the year. That, according to some, means they're part-time! Personally, I've heard, "If teachers want more money, they can get another job during the summer months."

When I quit teaching, I had 12 years experience. $43,000 a year.

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Add being permanently banned from LinkedIn by an Indian male costumer service rep for addressing systemic racism and sexism in the workplace to the list.

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