It's interesting - if you could freeze the moment when all the villagers gathered round old Meg and see inside them - see and hear what they were thinking, I bet you it would sound just like what you hear today at a Trump rally. Not trying to be political at the moment, just looking at the mechanics of irrational behavior. As they shout "witch witch witch" while stomping their feet or raising their fists, their minds detaching themselves from reality - not noticing how stupid and senseless their words really sound like. Yeah, very little difference. Just the clothing and the means of transportation. Pickups in the parking lot instead of wagons. In some ways little has changed.

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Right? I read all the women who don't have kids and the things people say to them and the same comes to mind. 300 years and so many people still judge women harshly if they don't make babies. That's what I love about these stories -- we can look backward and forward and maybe learn something about how we treat each other. You know?

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

Oh, this is so so so so so so sad. Because I love witches. My inner witch.

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Right? Generations ago, the women in my dads family were healers back in "the old country" as they called it. I imagine many of them suffered the same judgement. My grandmother was called a witch. People loved when she healed someone with her home remedies mixed up in the kitchen, but outside of that they didn't want her in polite company.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

Exactly - witches as healers, and no healer is infallible. People - hoping humankind is evolving, though these days, considering US politics, I wonder...

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Made me shiver.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

Omg people are afraid of their own shadows. Not that I condone it, but if they have no choice but to burn a human being, they could start with the one in the mirror. Ignorance is a blight on society, then and now.

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Right? That's the part I enjoy most about these old stories. We can look at the past and now and see the similarities. I guess that's what they mean about learning from history or being doomed to repeat it. :)

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Linda Caroll

Fascinating story. Humans haven't changed much in the past few centuries, have they? Bullying folks who are "different." Making unwarranted assumptions and blaming that "different" person for the vagaries of life.

When will ppl learn that a little bit of kindness goes a long way? I'm waiting, foolishly, maybe. Hope springs eternal in my heart, though.

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Yup, you're so right. Technology changes, but humans not so much. It's kind of why I love to write these. Because when we look at the past, we can't help but look at the present, too. :)

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Great story of a very tragic life. It's sad that in over 300 years, and undoubtedly longer, the problem of people being stupid, gullible and irrational still exists.

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