If history was a Hollywood movie, the editing room floor would be littered with the stories of women clipped to make room for men's stories. History of Women exists to tell those stories.

What is history of women?

It’s true stories of real women. Stories you probably didn’t know.

Like the witch in Margaret Atwood’s family tree that inspired her to write The Handmaid’s Tale. Like the little girl forced into the sex trade at age 4 and what happened to her. Like the hilarious snark of “spinsters” back in the 1800s.

Know why I write it?

Because there’s no shortage of women (and men) who talk about feminism and equality and women’s rights. And yet? We remain surrounded by the ghosts of women whose stories were never told. Shoved aside in favor of mens’ stories.

They haunt me a little, those women. How can we say women matter when we ignore those who came before us? Who will tell their stories to be sure they are not buried in the sands of time and simply forgotten? Well… me, it turns out.

Click here to see all the stories so far

Who the heck am I?

A woman, and that alone would be enough I suppose, but I’ve always worked in male dominated fields which probably helped pave the way here.

By day I leap tall buildings in a single bound and help people grow the wings to fly. I help businesses, entrepreneurs and creatives grow their sales and reach. A marketer disguised as a designer and copywriter. My work has been featured in Forbes, The New York Times, People and more.

By night? I write. Always have. Always will. Once upon a time, I used to write for print magazines. Now I write on Medium and here.

You can find my website at: https://storytellerdesign.co/

Why subscribe?

When you subscribe, a new story will magically show up in your email every Monday. You can read and comment in email, or you can click the title to come read online. Plus? The community here is truly amazing. I think you’ll like it. I can’t think of a better way to say womens’ stories matter. And thank you. Truly!

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If history was a Hollywood movie, the editing room floor would be littered with the stories of women clipped to make room for men's stories